Membership Benefits: Members join a wonderful group of dedicated volunteers who meet on a monthly basis from May through October to oversee the planning, planting and maintenance of the Museum Gardens. We welcome all who have an interest in gardening. Each summer the Garden Club plans and hosts a Secret Garden Tour fundraiser. This is a community event, celebrating and highlighting the beautiful gardens and talented gardeners in the North Country.
Members are invited to excursions and events throughout the summer that are both fun and educational.
Meetings: Our meetings, listed in the KDH Museum Calendar, are scheduled for May, June, August, September and an Annual Meeting/Luncheon in December. The location varies with most meetings held in the meeting room of the Plattsburgh Public Library. Most meetings last approximately 1 ½ hours. Each has an agenda that is circulated to the membership a week before the meeting.
KDH Museum Garden Club Bylaws: The Garden Club works under the auspices of the Kent Delord House Museum Board of Directors. This link to our By-Laws explains the connection and dedication we have to the work of the Kent Delord House Museum.
Membership Dues: Members are asked to pay yearly dues of $20 to the Kent Delord House Museum Garden Club. Garden Club dues have been waived for new members joining in 2023. Upon joining the Garden Club you become a member of the Kent Delord House Museum, yearly museum dues are $35.
Join Us By: Attending one of our meetings by contacting a garden club member or by emailing your name, address and phone number to [email protected]. Please use “KDH Garden Club” in the subject line. A garden club member will contact you. The Museum Calendar of Events, May through December, will give the dates of our meetings.